Anxiety at it's finest...those are the words ringing in my head as I text/type my first ever blog post. Unforseen events along with tons of encouragement have brought me to this new chapter in my life and I would love for this to become a success not only for the pure fact that I feel like I can help others with what I've learned so far in my short time on this earth but because I need an outlet. I need something that's mine.
Please bare with me folks,I haven't written in almost three years so expect both punctual and grammatical errors. After all I am human.
You see, I'm needing to vent. My lovely husband, Mr C as I will be calling him, has been tortured. I tend to have feelings and opinions about every little thing in my life and he has endured every one of them. Bless his heart. It wasn't until the other day when he looked at me and said that I need to write again. I need to let off some steam that would become...oh, what's the word he used..beneficial to not only me, but to others.
I have this constant desire to help. Especially when it comes to things I've become passionate about such as cloth diapers, breastfeeding, moving and adjusting for both myself and our girls, crazy family situations, self love and so much more. I feel that at a young age, to feel so deeply about anything that didn't contain alcohol must mean that this it's my calling. Now, I'm not saying that all young adults are drunks or that they lack in drive. I mean,I have some pretty awesome friends my age that have accomplished way more than I have but that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is I've got an idea. An idea that I might actually become beneficial in someone else's life. Or at least my knowledge on something. I'm hoping that this will find you. The person who's confused on how to travel with children on any form of transportation. Or the person that's on their second week of breastfeeding and can barely go a feeding without balling their eyes out.
The truth is, I didn't have a go to book or blog when I needed it. I learned through advice and hard work. This will make it easier for some. I do have to say though that the advice and knowledge I write about along with the things I've come across are 100% true and might not work for all situations. Everything and everyone is unique.
I promise to post if you promise to read.
PS trolls belong under a bridge and not on my blog. Bashing and hurtful comments will be removed :)
Happy reading